Happy Birthday, Mr. King
After skimming through the news this morning I see that Chile has just elected the first female president, Michelle Bachelet who recieved a whopping 53% of the vote and Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, a 67 year old grandmother has been sworn in as Liberia's head of state. Is the U.S. next? While this news is wonderful, encouraging, empowering and all that stuff, I can't help but wonder if there will ever be a day where it is not news, when it won't matter what someone's gender or race is, when we all treat each other like what we simply are: the human race. Will I see it in my lifetime? I've done what I can and I've considered it a privilige to raise my son in a way that will ensure he sees the world that way. This is how global changes are made, our children are blank slates and grow up to inject the world with whatever they learn from us. So if it doesn't happen for me, maybe it will for him, or his children. Happy Birthday, Mr. King, and thank you for your dream.
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